Vulva La Revolución!

Armando Potter
4 min readSep 26, 2022


Contrary to popular belief, we didn’t go through a sexual recession during COVID. We experienced a sexual revolution.

Co-auther Kasper Burghout. This was previously published in Pornceptual Magazine, #4, Fuck 2020.

Illustration by Brittany England

There’s a narrative out there that claims COVID is cutting off our sex lives. That curfew is really cramping our cocks and paining our pussies. That thanks to Corona, the world is in a sexual recession. Just look at the numbers. A study by sexual wellness brand MysteryVibe found that a third of Brits said they had less sex in 2020 than in 2019 and a quarter said they hadn’t had any sex at all. Data from research conducted among the Pornceptual community seems to come to similar conclusions. 50% of couples who are isolating with a partner through COVID are having less sex. And for those of us in the community who had to isolate alone, we have devolved into a horny mob of chronic masturbators. 53% of self-isolators reported being hornier than before, while 56% of us said we have been masturbating more frequently. With all this set against a backdrop of spiking divorce inquiries, increased relationship pressures and missed conjugal connections, it becomes easy to see how our collective sexual livelihoods are on the brink of collapse.

But if you think we’re in a COVID-caused sexual recession, you might be narrow-sighted. You’re not seeing the whole picture. When we push deeper (past the G-spot deeper), we believe we are actually in the midst of a sexual revolution. Revolutions historically counter the mainstream. So to take part, we need to broaden our understanding of sex beyond the traditional genital-to-genital to the broader landscape of intimacy and the desires, actions and reactions that come with it. And we need to appreciate that sex — at least GOOD sex — isn’t just about body count. If you’re valuing sex only in terms of how many guys’ loads you’ve taken in your ass this week, you’re missing out.

Isolation brought the inner exhibitionists and voyeurs out in all of us: as a way to engage in sexual desires from a safe difference, but also as an act of resistance. Rather than get trapped by confinement, we started getting more creative with our fucking. Proof that Coronavirus can’t cockblock us, we all became amateur stars on OnlyFans, which had a 75% jump in sign-ups at the start of lockdown. Orgies moved to Zoom, Klub Verboten figured out how to throw virtual fetish nights, and Pornceptual even launched virtual club nights where anyone could find themselves on the giving or receiving end of a pay-to-peep show. People who have never before thought about dipping their toe into sex are now diving headfirst and experiencing a whole new world of sexual proclivity, de-stigmatizing the experience. We’ve turned a sphere that society traditionally shamed as a place for porn stars and cam girls into a space of collective sexual ownership and pride.

This revolution goes beyond our screens. It’s shooting out onto our chests and tits in the real world, too. One study published in Leisure Sciences found that while sexual behavior saw an overall decline, 20 percent of respondents reported trying at least one new sexual behaviour during the pandemic. Whether dabbling in fisting, erotic electrostimulation or having anonymous sex for the first time, COVID broadened our explorations of sex. We’re also experiencing fundamental progress in our relationship with dating and intimacy. People are getting comfortable opening their relationships, engaging in throuples for the first time, and discovering they’re attracted to multiple genders. The walls COVID erected to keep us from one another and the world also encouraged us to push our boundaries and break down other self-built sexual walls. Quarantine gave us the time to be introspective and that period of self-reflection grew our urges and fantasies. It challenged us to put our intimacy hangups to the test. If Corona was already forcing us into one form of lockdown, did we really want to unnecessarily lock ourselves in chastity cages in other areas of our sex lives too? Fuck those walls. Fuck those cages. And fuck holding ourselves back from cumming however and with whomever we want any longer.

So the sexual revolution is upon us. Vulva la revolución! But it’s worth acknowledging that not everyone has reaped the benefits of this revolution and many of us still had to face hardships due to lack of sex and intimacy during COVID. We also admit that COVID didn’t end with 2020. Lockdown is still happening for most of us in 2021. Which is all the more reason to keep fucking this good fuck. Because revolutions aren’t handed to us. They’re fought. And this is a collective fight we’re calling all of us to fight — through 2021 and beyond. The sexual self-discoveries we’re forging today will have lasting implications for our sexual growth in the future — whether that’s 10 months or 10 years from now. Becoming a part of the revolution doesn’t mean having to start big. Start by stretching a bit outside your comfort zone, trying out a new fantasy or buying that sex toy you’ve been eying for months. But you do need to ask yourself: are you going to roll over and take COVID lying down on your back? Or are you going to fuck this fight on your feet? And spread the revolution like a pair of well lubed ass cheeks? Fuck 2020.



Armando Potter

Queer conversationalist. Sex talker. Strategy director. Junkie foodie. I love vice people, vice places and vice things. Amsterdam expat from Los Angeles.